Business Grants for website services in WA

Get up to $1000 reimbursed from the cost of your new website from the City of Kwinana!

The City of Kwinana (WA) is offering a local commercial support grant for small home-based businesses in the Kwinana area. You can get reimbursed up to $1000 for the cost of a new website built with Thorn Creative.

There are two grant options; the homebased business grant and the retail business grant. Each have eligibility criteria to meet but both can be used to get a brand new website built for your business with us!

How to apply/find out more

Contact Ivy Penny, the Economic Development Office at the City of Kwinana:

 Phone: 08 9439 0241
Mobile: 0417 912 618

Let's Talk.

Ready to chat about your project? Submit your details below to request a quote, or book a free initial consultation to get the ball rolling!

How can we help?
What is your budget for this project?
When do you need this completed?
Do you have your content ready to go (photos, logo, text)