Refer a friend, it's a win/win/win!

Know someone that needs help with their website?

Friends don't let friends tear their hair out with DIY builders or sell a kidney for a website.

How to refer a friend

Fill in your details here, and let your friend know you’ve referred them to us. We will get in touch with them and take care of the rest – and if they go ahead with their quoted project, you’ll receive $100 referral bonus on us.

Your friend also scores 1 year free hosting with the maintenance of their new website or web app project (valued at up to $300!)

If you’d like to talk to us about what your friend needs before referring them, please give us a call on 0493 535 705 or contact us here. 

You thank you payment will be paid to you within 30 days of your friend’s project commencing. 

Pretty much any new project! Any new website, website redesign, logo or custom app project are eligible for refer a friend.

Hosting, domain registrations, maintenance packages and consultancy are excluded at this time.

Refer a friend to Thorn Creative

Let's Talk.

Ready to chat about your project? Submit your details below to request a quote, or book a free initial consultation to get the ball rolling!

How can we help?
What is your budget for this project?
When do you need this completed?
Do you have your content ready to go (photos, logo, text)