Take out the guess work (and headache) of online marketing

Marketing consulting + full service SEO.

The website marketing plan for when you don't know what you need.

Building a business online is getting harder. These days you’re competing for attention with huge ad budgets and adorable cat memes – and who can compete with furry ninjas?

Meanwhile you’re getting emails every month telling you “I have had a look at your website and your SEO is rubbish, we have the *secret* formula to guarantee the #1 spot on Google. Just click this link!”

(promise me you’ll never click the link!!)

You might even get phone calls from sales people telling you the same things. I know we do which is nuts because that is literally what we do!

You know that digital marketing is the key, but how do you know what you need to invest in first? How do you get it right? Do you start with SEO? Paid ads on Google? Jump on the Tik Tok bandwagon? Start mass-producing content with AI?

We have been working in the digital marketing space for nearly 2 decades. Things have evolved so much, that what worked great for our clients just 12 months ago is almost obsolete now. It’s hard enough for us to keep up, let alone business owners with only a couple of hours here and there! 

Most Digital Marketing agencies will offer you a free consultation, then pitch their SEO, PPC, Socials and/or email all as separate services. 

At Thorn Creative, we work closely with many small businesses that just can’t afford this. Sometimes a PPC campaign alone is enough to blow the whole advertising budget and that’s not including ad spend! 

If you’re constantly posting on social media, pouring your dwindling profits into Google’s pockets, just hoping things turn around, then we might be able to help.

A hybrid digital marketing support plan

Get the technical stuff done for you, and support for everything else in one day each month.

How it works

It's not just consulting, we'll get our hands dirty too

We do the technical bit

We'll take care of the technical stuff like ongoing SEO, connecting email API keys, Analytics and a whole lot more. We'll also dig into your competitors and conduct keyword research to use across all of your digital marketing platforms so that you'll be armed with with the data to backup your marketing ideas.

You do the social bit (with our help)

We strongly believe that in most cases, the best person for social media posting is the business owner themselves, or senior management because no one knows your product or service better than you. While you will post your content, we can help with Canva templates, show you how to use hashtags and write for web.

We monitor the data collection bit

We will setup tracking for all the digital marketing activities you do online so you can measure what works, and what doesn't over time. Sometimes reading reports from SEO/PPC companies can be really confusing with all the industry jargon, so we simplify this and phrase it in terms that you'll understand.

Together, we'll do the planning bit

With the technical, social and data collection sorted, we'll schedule a bi-monthly meeting to discuss your marketing goals and analyse the results so far. Using that information we can make key decisions about campaigns that are/are not working and what to do about it.

What's included

Investment: $550 per month

*min 6 month commitment. Very limited availability & subject to project audit before confirming booking.

How long does it take to see results?

Digital marketing channels take time to get established – even paid ads can take a couple of months of optimisation to see a really good ROI.

That’s why we have a 6 month minimum term, because anything less would waste your time!

How long it takes for you to see results depends on what marketing channels we’re helping with, how established you are and (if applicable) your ad spend budget. All of this will be discussed during your strategy calls.

No. We’ve done this in the past, but social media is usually more effective when the business owner or staff member is in control and directly responding to enquiries/comments themselves. No one knows your industry/service/product better than your team!

What we will do however, is help show you how to create canva templates for your team, and utilise AI to create a social calendar each month.

If you’re running out of things you need help with, we will use the remainder of your allocated day to work on your on/offpage SEO, build backlinks or look for other online opportunities for your brand.

There is always, ALWAYS something to be done in the world of digital marketing.

Let's Talk.

Ready to chat about your project? Submit your details below to request a quote, or book a free initial consultation to get the ball rolling!

How can we help?
What is your budget for this project?
When do you need this completed?
Do you have your content ready to go (photos, logo, text)