Your About Us page is one of the top 3 most viewed website pages... so write a killer about us page!
Aside from you home and contact page, the About Us page is the most valuable and viewed page on any website. It is the supporting act to all other pages in terms of SEO, giving your main landing pages a bit of extra keyword juice.
It is also the one page many of our clients find the most difficult to write! Writing about yourself is hard, so here’s what you can include on your about page that helps your customers find the information they need and boosts your website’s SEO.
What your customers look for on a killer about us page
1. Introduce your company.
You don’t need pages of fluff. In fact less is more! Just introduce your company and explain why you exist in 1-2 sentences.
2. A brief timeline/history
Including a brief history of your company shows time in the market and for well established brands helps give confidence that you’ll be around if they need support after purchasing.
3. Values/mission
Not a dry paragraph that’s all fluff and vague statements – your mission on a killer about us page should be short and to the point, following on from why you are here. Like the punchy impactful statement below from Aussie toilet paper brand Who Gives A Crap.

4. For services - introduce your team
For services especially, it is usually very helpful to add a short bio for each of your team members that have contact with customers. For example, health professionals or consultants providing a personal service should always introduce themselves individually and provide a photo to show there are real humans on the other side.
5. For products - explain your process
This is especially important for businesses that have moral/ethical/sustainability values. Customers love to support businesses that make a social impact, so show it off on your about page! Are your products made with recycled materials? Does a % of each sale go to goodwill? Whatever it is, share it here!
6. Awards, recognition and as seen in...
You don’t need to go crazy, but if you have received any awards, industry recognition or appeared in noteworthy media platforms, just share the logo and link to the post/page/resource.
7. Other forms of social proof
Online reviews are GOLD online for any small business. A few testimonials on your killer about us page, especially from prominent figures, case studies, partner logos, media articles… Anything that shows public opinion of your company.
See our killer about us page below showing our key values, partners and 3rd party awards & recognition

Include important keywords
When planning out your website, you need to consider what keywords your customers are using to find your services online, and what pages will focus on each keyword. Your about us page is not a main landing page, but more like a supporting act. Sprinkle your main keywords around in your about page like confetti along with company information.
Include contact information, or links to contact page
Last but not least, should you include contact information on your about page? After all, you’ve got a contact page for that right? Well your about page is often the last stop to verify your company before making contact, so why not make it easy for them and include it right there on the page?
And that’s it for now! Your about page is as unique as your brand, but I hope that this gives you some ideas of how to create a killer about us page that helps your website rank well on Google.
Good luck!
(Need help writing your about us page? We offer killer about us page copywriting as part of our website design services)